Tuesday, January 14, 2014

USCSS Nostromo crew outfit - part 2: pants and shoes

...with the shirt completed (USCSS Nostromo crew outfit - part 1: shirt), i started work on the pants - the white pairs worn by the folks left of Ripley...

...again, they are hand sewn (this time on the move from Seattle to Savannah over the Christmas holidays). i also found an olive drab army surplus belt - modified with the Nostromo science officer insignia and a pair of high-tops (like the white ones worn by Dallas, Ripley and Ash (the synthetic on the right - Ian Holmes)...

 ...close enough.

i still have to update the footwear a bit - remove the PF Flyer logo (yup, old school brand, well, the movie was made in the late 1970s). i also need to paint over some of the other markings along the back...

...the final step is going to be the flight jacket.

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